How to Price your Content
How you price your content to sell on Issuu is totally up to you. You know your audience best, so you can survey or test different prices over time to find out what they are willing to pay and how valuable they find your content.
Best Practices to Keep in Mind
- Single issues of digital magazines are typically priced in the $3-6 USD range
- If you are also selling a print version, the digital version is generally priced at 20-60% of the print price
- Digital magazine subscriptions are typically priced at a 20-40% discount on the price of buying each issue individually and the longer the subscription term, the bigger is the discount
- A price that feels too high may keep readers from purchasing and a price that feels too low may make readers think the content is low quality
- Remember that there is also the Stripe fee
- There is also VAT and Tax to be considered when pricing your content:
For US Residents
- Stripe may generate a 1099-K for you. See more details here.
For Reporting VAT or Sales Tax
- You can export a report of your account activity from Stripe to calculate VAT or sales tax.
You can also integrate your Stripe account with other services for accounting and tax calculation.
Here is a helpful blog post about pricing from Creative Market.
Digital Sales Checklist
Here is a handy checklist to help you follow tried-and-true tips for successfully selling your content on Issuu.
Optimize Your Publication and Issuu Profile
- Make sure your Issuu profile is up to date with your name, picture, profile, website and social links
- Make sure your publication has a clear, compelling title and description.
- Double-check the pages included in your preview edition – do you share big-enough, enticing chunks so readers can get a feel of your publication?
Get Your Website and Social Media Ready
- Embed your publication on your website or blog.
- Include a Digital Shop link in your website.
- Pin a post about your for-sale publication to the top of your social pages.
- Include a link to your for-sale publication in your social bios.
Here are some tips to help drive more sales:
- Make sure you are following the best practices to optimize your Issuu presence, drive people to your for-sale Issuu content, and promoting your publication on social
- What content does your audience respond to and enjoy reading? Look at your page-level statistics to inform your editorial planning
- Use GIFs, Articles or watch our webinars explaining how to share your content across social media using these social tools
- Try advertising your content on popular platforms. You can target audience on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, even on Issuu.
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