Free Access Codes give you an opportunity to let particular readers access your Digital Sales publication(s) for free. These readers can be your print subscribers, subscribers from other digital platforms, colleagues in your team, potential advertisers, people featured in the publication etc.
1. Go to Publications from Side Navigation Menu and select the publication for which you want to create Free Access Codes
2. Click Sell and go to Free Access Codes tab
3. Choose Code Type, Quantity and Expiration Date
- Code Type - Code Type determines if the code can be used only once (Single Use) or unlimited times (Unlimited)
- Single code - It can be redeemed only once. It can be used to give your print subscribers personal digital access one by one for instance
- Unlimited code - It can be redeemed number of times. For instance if you want to print flyers with the same code on it, so that many people can get access. You can also put the Unlimited code in the print edition of the magazine
- Quantity - Select the amount of codes you want to create
- Expiration Date - Expiration date determines the date until which the code is active. By default it is set for 1 year but you can select any date.
4. Click Generate codes and the code(s) will be generated (You will be able to see how many times the codes were redeemed (used) and when they expire)
5. To get the code(s) created, click Get codes (It will be downloaded as .csv file including the code as well as the direct URL to redeem the code)
Example - code G4BENXXD and a direct URL
6. To let your readers redeem the code, share either the direct URL or the code together with following link:
Once your readers redeem the code by clicking REDEEM PUBLICATION (or SIGN UP & REDEEM PUBLICATION in case they do not have an Issuu account), they will be able to read the publication under their PURCHASES.
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