We occasionally send out emails to Issuu users, including email notifications about product changes or updates to our platform. You may modify your email notifications or opt out of emails from the Account Settings page.
To Unsubscribe From Emails
1. Once logged in, hover over your profile photo in the top right-hand corner of the page.
2. Select ACCOUNT SETTINGS from the dropdown menu.
3. Select NOTIFICATIONS from the horizontal menu bar.
4. For the email notifications you no longer wish to receive, toggle those buttons to the left until they turn grey in the OFF position.
5. Once you’re satisfied with your notification settings, confirm by selecting SAVE CHANGES.
We have a highly efficient spam filter in place, which we regularly improve. However, should you ever receive an email from someone who may be misusing Issuu in an attempt to spam, please report it to us by clicking the INAPPROPRIATE link in the email.
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