We regret to inform that we must close Issuu accounts in some countries due to regulatory requirements. Please refer Sanctions Programs and Country Information for the list of countries where Issuu is no longer available. This decision is beyond our control and is necessary to comply with regulations imposed by the governing authorities.
We are committed to helping you through this transition while you find a suitable replacement.
To make this process easier for you:
- We recommend you review your account activity and make any necessary arrangements for your content.
- Download any content you wish to keep.
- If you have a paid subscription, it will be automatically canceled, and you will receive a prorated refund for any unused portion.
We sincerely apologize for any disruption this may cause. If you have any questions or need assistance, please submit a ticket.
1 comment
Hey there, I’m trying to watch the video live with the old one and also some pictures but I cannot see nothing. Absolutely nothing. How do I do that? Can you please call me and let me know my phone number is there thank you very a wonderful day or cancel please and
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