- Creating Articles from Content
- Uploading Your Own Images From Your Device
- Changing Cover Images
- Cropping Cover Images
- Sharing Articles
Issuu provides a great feature of creating shareable Articles directly from your content that gives your audience a focused and quick look at what’s inside your Publication. By selecting and sharing individual articles, you can update your social media calendar with fresh content and highlight exclusive features or articles that will grab the attention of readers.
Articles can give readers a better sense of what’s inside your content — beyond just the cover.
Creating Articles from Content
1. Go to Publications from Side Navigation Menu and select Create Article from the drop down on the "more" button
2. You will be redirected to the Article Editor
3. You can select pages from your publication and add images and text as shown in the screenshot or you can click on the icon to add all detected images and text to your article for the selected spread.
Uploading Your Own Images From Your Device
You can upload your own .png and .jpeg images from your device and use them in the article.
Changing Cover Images
You can change the cover image of Article by clicking on it. You can also upload images from your device and uploaded image is set as the default.
Cropping Cover Images
You can crop the cover images for Article. When you crop the cover image:
- On Desktop - It will show only the highlighted part between two lines from the image below
- The pages that you have selected will automatically populate on the left side. On the right side, you have the option to customize your headlines, bylines, featured images, and more. You can add all detected segments as well as delete, split, merge or move paragraphs and images.
- There are also different text styling options like (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough), text alignment (left, center, right), bullets and numbering.
- It is also possible to add links on the text and images.
- Here you can add title, description, and category
- Adding a title, description and category will improve the discovery of your content in Search Engines (SEO). Your article will get an Auto-generated title which you can edit here.
- Here you can preview your article in a mobile-optimized format.
- When you click on SAVE your article will appear in Article List under DRAFTS in Publisher Homepage.
- When you click on PUBLISH, your article will be published and you will see the below screen where you can copy the article link and share it on different social platforms as well as you can create more Articles.
NOTE: When you open a publication in Publication Workspace, you will see the status of your Articles under MEDIA -> ARTICLES.
When people read your article on a mobile device, they will see this enhanced mobile-optimized version. If they read article on the desktop, it will open your Issuu content on the first page of the article.
NOTE: Previously created Articles will remain as it is after re-uploading the publication and inserting/deleting pages in the publication.
Sharing Articles
1. You can share Articles on different social platforms once it is published.
2. When you go to Articles from Side Navigation Menu in Publisher Homepage, you can share article by clicking the SHARE icon
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