Edit Article
1. Go to ARTICLES from Side Navigation Menu on Publisher Homepage and select the article that you want to edit
- If you want to edit Published article, go to PUBLISHED section
- If you want to edit Draft article, go to DRAFTS section
2. Clickthe EDIT icon, this will open an editor where you can edit your article.
NOTE: Previously created Articles will remain as it is after re-uploading and inserting/deleting pages in the publication.
Delete Article
A. From Articles in the Side Navigation menu
1. Go to Articles from Side Navigation Menu on Publisher Homepage and select the article that you want to delete
- If you want to delete a Published article, go to PUBLISHED section
- If you want to delete the Draft article, go to DRAFTS section
2. Click on "..." and then click Delete
B. From the Publication Workspace
1. Open publication in the publication workspace
2. Click on Media -> Articles
2. Locate the particular Article, click the three dots icon "..." and select Delete
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