- Print Requirements
- For Readers
- For Publishers
- Quality of Print
- Time of Arrival
- Quality of Print
- Troubleshooting
Publisher Print-on-Demand (PPOD) is a partnership with Peecho that allows Issuu publishers to order high-quality printed copies of their publications. This printing feature is automatically available to all publishers, even if you have a free Issuu account.
Please follow the publication formatting guidelines below to ensure that your copies are printed at the highest quality possible.
Print Requirements
Some publications may not be available for printing if the publication doesn’t meet Peecho’s minimum print requirements. These minimum print requirements include:
- A publication should have at least 16 pages and at most 500
- Its aspect ratio (width/height) should be between 0.34 - 1.54
These limitations have been set to guarantee that your printed publication will be printed at the highest quality.
Read more about the exact requirements on the help section on the Peecho website
If the publication doesn’t meet Peecho’s requirements it will say so in the Publishing Workspace and the button Order Printed Copies will not be clickable.
For Readers
Currently, readers are not able to order printed copies of publications on Issuu.
For Publishers
To order printed copies of your own publications -
1. Select the content you want to print from the publication list
2. Under "more" button, click the Order Printed Copies button
3. Here click the Order Printed Copies button and you will be taken through the Peecho flow
4. Select the type of print, print size, color or black & white and the number of copies
5. Add your shipping information and review the order
6. Complete the payment section, then place your order
Quality of Print
Please visit Peecho’s website for more information on getting your publication ready for printing: Peecho Document Setup Tips
Time of Arrival
As your publications will be shipped by our partner Peecho, please see their website for more information on their shipping and delivery times: Peecho Shipping and Delivery FAQs
Since all orders are routed via the Peecho system, they are in the best position to provide you with any assistance regarding your order. Click here to contact them.
If you have contacted them and have not heard back for 48 hours, please let us know.
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