The content which is flagged as explicit is removed from the general streams but it is not deleted from the Issuu platform. Readers can still read your content. However, readers need to SIGN UP or LOG IN to Issuu account in order to access explicit content.
However, below are some suggested workarounds:
Paid Plan Workaround
With our Premium or Optimum plan, you can easily embed content in your website and have more control over how your content is displayed on your own website without content warning. The content warning will not show up on the embedded document, and your readers should be able to access it easily.
Please see article for more information: Embedding Your Own Publication.
Content Flagged Wrongly
Issuu has a stringent flagging system in order to prevent explicit content from displaying in the general stream. However, there is a possibility of flagging some content wrongly. If you believe your content meets our Content Guidelines and is wrongly flagged, please submit a request to Issuu support. We would be happy to re-evaluate the content.
If your document does not meet our Content Guidelines, we will not be able to remove the flag.
While submitting a request, please remember to include the link of your flagged content as well as an explanation about why you believe your content is wrongly flagged.
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