In order to create a report using the data collected by the Issuu custom events, we need to start by creating a dataset.
- Step 1: Create a Dataset
- Step 2: Use the Dataset to Build Report
- Step 3: Configure Report
- Step 4: View Report in Dashboard
Here is a quick tutorial on how to create Issuu Custom Events, Datasets, and Dashboard:
STEP 1: Create a Dataset
1. On the Dashboard screen, select “Create Report” from the top right
2. Select “Custom Report Builder” → Start with a datasetClick on “Create dataset” on top right
3. Click on "Create Dataset"
4. Select Primary data source as Custom Events, Check “Contacts” under CRM and “Issuu Custom Events” under Custom Events on the right. Once done, click “Next”
5. Select “Start from scratch” on the pop-over
6. Click on Custom events dropdown
7. Search for the below properties in the Search bar and drag and drop the following to the Property fields:
1) Total Views, 2) %Pages Viewed, 3) Pages Flipped, 4) Clicked on Link, 5) timestamp, 6) Page title, 7) Issuu Embed Name, 8) First Name, 9) Last Name
8. Click ‘Create field’, select Formula field and add the following three formula (copy/paste the the exact names in field names and the formula
IF([Clicked on link] != NULL, 1, NULL)
[Pages Flipped] != NULL,
) = [timestamp],
[Pages Flipped] != NULL,
FIXED(SUM([Pages Flipped]), [CONTACT.hs_object_id]),
[% Pages Viewed] != NULL,
) = [timestamp],
[% Pages Viewed] != NULL,
FIXED(MAX([% Pages Viewed]), [CONTACT.hs_object_id]),
9. The next three screenshots show where the field name and the formula is added
10. Once done, click “Save” on top right to save your Issuu specific dataset. Add name and click “save and build report”
STEP 2: Use the Dataset to Build Report
1. Once the dataset is saved, it will redirect you to below screen where you can select the Table view under Chart
2. Drag from the Dataset Propertied to Columns: 1) “Page title” 2) “Issuu Embed Name”, 3) “Total Views”, 4) “First Name”, 5) “Last Name”. And, drag the following from Dataset fields to Columns: 6) “Clicks on link”, 7) “Pages Flipped”, and 8) “%Pages Viewed”
3. Drag the following Dataset Properties from Columns to Fields: “Clicked on link”, “First name”, and “Last Name”
STEP 3: Configure Report
1. "Click ‘Total Views' and set the following: Name: Total Views, Aggregation: Sum, Format: Auto. Then click 'Apply.’
2. Click '% Pages Viewed' and set the following - Name: Avg. % Pages Viewed, Aggregation: Average, Format: Percentage, Decimal places: 0. Then click 'Apply'
3. Click 'Pages Flipped' and set the following: Name: Avg. Pages Flipped, Aggregation: Average, Format: Number, Decimal places: 0. Then click 'Apply.’
4. Click 'Clicks on Link' and set the following: Aggregation: Sum, Format: Auto. Then click 'Apply.’
5. Once done, this is how the right-hand side Preview should look. You get an aggregated view of the data; this is what’s going to be displayed on the dashboard.
6. If you want to see the 'Unsummarized' data that will display when you click on any of the data points, then click on the 'Unsummarized' tab.
7. Save the report, add a name to it and select where you want this report to appear. In my case I wanted it to display within my existing dashboard.
STEP 4: View Report in Dashboard
1. Viola! your dashboard is ready
2. Clicking on any data point will open an “Unsummarized” view
Please follow help article for Getting Contact Level Data.
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